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Sometimes our life looks like a total mess. No one understands us unless we start to talk, even if that means some yelling’s and shattered glasses. Thanks to all the amazing people that are behind an ID on Twitter, with the ultimate description, but that somehow listen to my craziness and endure all that a rebel heart can put into a social network. The most important people sometimes aren`t those who appear on the front line as our best friends, exchanging jokes, pictures, info, and so on… Sometimes, the most important people are those who never appears, those that we don`t follow, and that aren`t our followers. My dearest friends are in my inbox and not at people eyes. It`s been a long year. It seems that I made a trip around the world and that I stopped in America for vacations. I met so many people that blessed me with their patience, which opened me the gate of true understanding, despite all the troubled waters…

It all started a year ago and I feel this urgent desire to say “Thank You!”


Je remercie à le magazine Jalouse pour avoir cru à mon blog, pour soutenir mon écriture et ma perspective de vie et, bien sûr, d`adorer aussi bien l'acteur/réalisateur Diogo Morgado comme je l`aime ...Oui, je parle de toi, de toi et de toi, mes bijoux précieux ( il n'y a pas besoin de mentionner les noms)!


Gracias a la revista Vogue España por creer en nuestras ideas y en nuestra visión (saben bien de quien hablo)!


Julie, a qui pourrais-je avouer mes fautes? Qui cacherait mes secrets les plus intimes? Le premier “oui” et “ n`arrête pas “ sont venus de toi et ta foi en moi n`ai jamais changé. Tu fais partie de ces gens qui y on toujours cru. Je t`adore! Je te promets que la prochaine fois je dirai "Bonne Nuit Diogo" Ne vous moquez pas… je tremble encore!


Anna… quelle voyage! Ton bon goût et ta classe font de ce project quelque chose de spécial. Ton talent m`impressione profondément!


Macarena,  gracias por tu amistad y por siempre estar a mi lado.Tu fe en mí es total y un gran regalo del cielo.Gracias por tu risa, tu complicidad y tu fuerza!


JB, you brought my heart, faith and conviction back to life with your perfect words. “ Let`s do it! " By the way… What time is it in LA? Such an annoying question but, hey, now I know the time in each zone by heart. LV!

SA, you are such an angel, always with a positive attitude even when I lost my self-confidence. Could I live without your photos of Santa Monica beach and San Diego zoo? Yeah, probably, but it would not be the same! I`m already half American babe!!!

TM, thank God for Internet. I`m sure I would not be able to endure a conversation of nine hours or plus exchanging words and thoughts “What the hell?” We just talk on and on and on…till midnight arrives at LA and the city of angels goes to sleep. No, I still don`t understand Super Bowl (I just enjoy the music) and don`t force me to say the rules of American football again, I beg you! Will I ever forget our CSI: CYBER marathon together? Very unlikely! Such unforgettable moments…

Nicky, Nicky, Nicky, I can say your name out loud, thank God, you know how terribly vulnerable I am, sometimes even pathetic, a ridiculous drama queen… This has been such a challenge; being tormented by my own thoughts. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Thank you for being so genuine, without craps, disguises and a bunch of sarcastic words. I may have captured the photographs of Di from internet but you were the real source. I don`t need to say anything more. We are in this together….


Lisa, my dearest Lisa, your songs are the lyrics I dreamt of all my life. Thank you for making me grabble a pencil and a piece of paper to write – not a letter – but pure harmonies. I was detached from my poetry and from my own lyrics ages ago, but you/you my soul sister, you made me found my path through the darkest times with your kindness! I`m so happy that we are together on this journey where we can share this “affection” for the most incredible gem that exists; Mister Diogo Morgado! Say hello to your musicians!!!

Who would imagine that my Valentine Day`16 would be passed among Americans? Go figure! Certainly a day to remember for the rest of my life. Thanks EF for sharing with me your time and your television. Isn’t Internet amazing? Cannot count how many tweets I write but at least they were answered. Is it true that we shared our Valentine Day with Diogo Morgado and the filmmakers? No one in Portugal would believe in such a thing! Glad I`m half American (I mean my father lived in New York and Washington while my mummy was pregnant, this means something right?) Well, at least Nathalie thinks so!

Nathalie, an endless T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U! We talked for hours about the blog, the blog that I never launched actually. Thanks for your commitment to me! Sometimes I might be rude but is still amazing how you say “Girl, if you think that, just spit it out, your honesty is gold”!

Grazie per il sostegno Silvia! Ti dirò un segreto” Anche io le voglio benne, nascondere perchè?”

PG, la pizza sta arrivando, piove a Roma, mi fermo a farti compagnia. Cosa manca? Fare un tatuaggio per essere la più sexy! Solo tu capirai questo enigmi su Diogo!

Vielen lieben Dank für alles Barbara Treisveizs und Marie Fikho !


Obrigado a toda a malta tuga pela extrema compreensão do que me vai no íntimo e, acima de tudo, por compreenderem que defendo sempre aquilo em que acredito (para o bem e para o mal).

Obrigado aos meus amicíssimos fãs do ator Diogo Morgado que sempre incentivaram – uma não letrada – a acreditar no seu talento e a evoluir cada vez mais intelectualmente e a nível linguístico, sem medo do escrutínio alheio.


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